Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Creative Tuesday!

Last night's class was so much fun!  A few weeks ago our class was split into groups of six and were told to come up with a brief 25 minute activity to facilitate to the class.  Last night was the night to facilitate them and they were all so much fun! 

The first group that led the class off did an activity called Innovative Art.  Everyone got a blank sheet of white paper and got to choose what color paints they wanted.  The group also provided everyday objects that we could use to paint with.  There were so many creative pictures and ideas! 

The next group did Making Magical Music (Experimental Noise).  This had to be my favorite activity of the night!  The group had gathered random objects such as pots, pans, spoons, bracelets, etc. and in our groups we were supposed to make up a song that lasted about a minute.  It was a lot of fun combining all of the different objects together to make a song.  Everyone was very successful!  Some examples that were done was a version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and the Pledge of Alligience Remix.  

The next group that went was the group that I participated in.  Our activity was called Musical Expression Art.  We had six songs set aside all from different genres that we were going to play for our peers.  We each handed them a blank piece of white paper and markers.  We turned the lights out and played each song for roughly 2 minutes.  During these 2 minutes we instructed them to color whatever they were feeling during that time of the music that was playing.  After it was all done, we debriefed and tried to figure out what drawing went to what song.  It was really interesting to see everyone's expressions while drawing as well as what they had created in the end.

Another group did Chair Yoga.  The group had the class put the chairs into one big circle and they showed us certain poses that could be done with different types of populations.  It was very relaxing and soothing.  I could see how it could benefit anyone and everyone!  Below I posted a link to a website that has some of the poses that we did last night.

The last and final thing that we did last night was called the Egg Drop.  Each group was given an egg and received straws, a sheet of newspaper, and scotch tape.  We were instructed to protect the egg so when we went to the floor above us and dropped it, the egg would not crack.  To say the least, our group's egg got SCRAMBLED.
Making Magical Music

Making Magical Music

Innovative Art

Innovative Art

Egg Drop

Egg Drop

Egg Drop

Egg Drop

Chair Yoga

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