Monday, February 7, 2011

Tape Art

Tuesday's class was really exciting!  We worked with tape art!  I wasn't sure what tape art exactly was nor the whole class knew what it was so I will explain it a little bit.  Tape art is an innovative way of expressing oneself and having fun while doing it.  It is considered to be a collaborative actvity which encourages peer support, promotes interperonsal problem-solving, reduces anxiety related to trying a new skill, and appropriately addresses clients with diverse skill levels.  Our instructor broke us up into groups and assigned us a population of people that we could do tape art with.  My group was assigned youth at risk.  Some things that we discussed that would be needed to take into consideration working with youth at risk and doing this activity would be allergies, objects being used, and make sure you told them what would be appropriate and what wouldn't be.  Below are some pictures of the tape art that we did in class.  The first link below shows another way of doing tape art and the second link actually shows you how you can create your own tape art.

Dinosaur reading a book on a rocking chair

"Light at the end of the tunnel" for addictions/alcoholism

Youth at Risk - Express yourself

Re-creation of the movie "Up"

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