Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Last night's class was a lot of fun and very educational!  A lady came in that talked to us about hooping.  Hooping (hula hooping) can be used for a variety of different purposes.  She came in and talked to us about how a hooping program would benefit the clients that we would be working with.  There was so much that she talked about that I am just going to touch on a few things.

First off, did you know that Hooping burns just as many calories as being at a boot camp?  WOW right?  What about helping you build stronger muscles? Okay, that one does make sense.  But most of all, she talked about how it helped you become one with your inner sense of self.  When you hoop, you are connected mentally, physically, and spiritually.  Nothing else should matter and you are just in the moment.  Of course there are people that do it for entertainment and there is a link below that you can watch demonstrating that but what I got out of last night's presentation was how it can connect you within yourself.  I am definately going to try to keep it going in my life and maybe one day facilitate an activity on Hooping with my future clients.

Hooping Life

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