Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Product Slogans

Cognitive Defecits

Mental: memory, creativity
Emotional: feelings of success, competence, challenge
Social: group interaction, conversation

Greeting Suggestions
Have participants exchange names
Have members think of their favorite advertisements
As a group, brainstorm to name quality products

We often identify products with the slogans used to advertise them over the years. This activity will challenge the participants to remember and connect products with the appropriate slogan.

1.Matching. Write 5-10 slogans on a large sheet of paper. Hand out
Pictures of the products and have participants match each with the corresponding slogan.

2. Guessing. Read a slogan and ask participants to call out the corresponding product. This may be done in teams or individually.

3. Create a Slogan. Have individuals or small groups create their own
Slogans for a number of products. See if the rest of the group can guess the right product for each slogan.

More information on Product Slogans

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