Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sensory Stimulation

Population: Dementia, Alzheimers
Size of Group: 3-6

A box- To carry all of the objects listed below.
Sight- binder full of pictures, Lava lamp and a glitter ball.
Touch- Shower puff, play dough, Textured ball, the glitter ball can apply here too, hand lotion.
Smell- Lavender body wash (or essential oil and diffuser)
Hearing- CD player and relaxation CD
Taste- anything that you would like to (be sure to take residents diets into account) The great thing about this box is that you can individualize it to your client/resident or group and your box can grow, anything that may stimulate a person may go into this box.

* To provide a clam and relaxing environment
* To provide clam and relaxation to a client/resident emotions
* To stimulate all of the senses
* To provide clients/residents with a sense of well being

To get started turn on the lava lamp and the CD player with the relaxation music, lower the lights place all of the other sensory items on the table, pour some body wash in to a bowl and pour hot water over it (great for long term home setting, because of fire codes you may not be able to use essential oils and diffuser) the sent will fill the air. Then start bring resident into the room. As you bring the clients in encourage them to look through the picture book, to touch the play dough and so on. As you look through the picture book ask questions or ask them to tell you a story/memory that coincides with the picture. The taste part of the program can be the refreshments.

Sensory Stimulations

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