Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday Fun Day!

Yesterday in class we played a bunch of in-class games.  Our main goal however was to concentrate on how to adapt the games to different populations and promote inclusion.  First off, our instructor and my class reminisced about the game Red Light, Green Light.  We talked about how it included everyone that participated in the game (promoting inclusion) and how we would be able to adapt the game to different populations.  Next, we did a class activity called The Train.  There were eight people split up into two lines of four.  The rest of the class would made the train noises as the train would try to get across to the other side of the room.  However, there were certain commands that the train would have to follow such as: switch (the first person of the train and the last would have to switch places), reverse (the train would have to go backwards), and the tunnel (everyone would have to close their eyes and go really slow).

Next it was time to break up into our own groups and make up a game that would promote inclusion and would be adaptive for any population.  Our group came up with the game called Captian's Coming.  This game would be easily adapted for any population and would promote inclusion. (See link below for directions on how to play the game).  Another game that was discussed was called Fish and Whales.  

The last thing that we were to do in class was that we were designated a certain population and we were to "mock" Project Runway.  My group had the population Alcoholism.  We decided for our clothing/accessory material we could make jewelry and shoes.  The main goals that we would work with this population would be anger management, social interaction, and sense of self-worth/accomplishment.  We were then told to use those same goals but for a completely different activity that our population could do and we chose baking desserts as a group project.

Captian's Coming Link

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