Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wings - Technology Center

This past Tuesday in class we went to the Wings - Technology Center on campus.  One of the librarians that works at Murphy Library (library on campus) came to talk to us about how to search for scholary articles within the Murphy Library search engines on our school website.  She taught us how to type certain words and symbols so that we could reach the most results possible.  I never knew there was even such a thing!  This presentation is supposed to help us get ready for a paper that we are going to have to be doing in a few months and after the librarian was done talking, I feel a lot better about finding my way around the search engine to find great articles for my paper.

Although the librarian was there for only 50 minutes, I learned a lot of information that will stick with me forever.  She was very helpful and she expressed that if we needed help we could come and ask her.  I always hestitate to ask for help but during those 50 minutes I learned that it is okay to ask for help and in return you will get all of the results possible out there.

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