Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Relaxing Tuesday!

Last Tuesday our class participated in activities such as: relaxation, sports and recreation games, and drama.  However, I was very ill that day so I had to spend my "relaxing Tuesday" in my bed sleeping while everyone was enjoying the activities at class.  

I did talk to a peer of mine and she gave me some insight on what class all entailed and from what I understood, I would like to talk a little about it.

The first group was Relaxation.  They made stress balls out of balloons and also did a little bit of guided imagery.  I, myself to meditation and guided imagery and think this is a huge topic that everyone should discuss with their clients at some point and time.  There are versions for all types of populations and age groups.  Making a stress ball is also a good way to relieve stress.  I actually have a stress cow that was given to me from my Uncle that I use while I am working on papers and projects.  I stop from time to time to think about what I should write in my paper and squeeze the stress cow to release pressure/stress.  I think it really helps me!

The second group that went talked about drama.  They showed drama by taking random, daily objects and splitting the class up into groups.  With the object, they were to pretend they didn't know what it was and think of a way they could use it.  A clip was shown from The Little Mermaid when Ariel uses a fork to comb her hair.  I guess it was very humorous and a lot of fun.  This would be really good for a population that has a hard time expressing their creativity and thinking outside of the box rather than just focusing on their problems all of the time.  It would be a time to get away for just a little bit.

The third and final group was Recreation Sports. The peer that I talked about mentioned two games that they had played.  One game she couldn't exactly remember what it was called or how it was played but the other one was similar to a relay game.  However, one person was blindfolded and others would have to instruct you through an obstacle course.  I think that this would be very beneficial and is clearly a trust initiative.  A population that you could work with on this particular activity could be abused/neglected children or persons of any matter.  It would work on their trust skills little by little.

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