Monday, April 11, 2011


This past Tuesday was talking all about relaxation and guided imagery.  Our class talked about the definition of relaxation and the words we came up with were: destress, calming down, and distancing yourself from stressors.  Personal activities that we do is sleeping, reading, exercising, watching movies, deep breathing, and going for walks.  When you are working with clients you should be aware of their body, decrease their stress and anxiety, use it as a coping skill, and they should practice in order to be less stressed and more relaxed.

CTRS skills develop a variety of approaches, lead by example, develop relaxation kit, become confident in leading quiet exercises, and incorporate journaling after the relaxation techniques. 

When it comes to breathing, body position and posture is very important.  Another thing that is important is make sure you are breathing from your diaphragm.  Start simple and build onto it as you keep practicing. 

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