Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Depression Jeopardy

Size of Group:
4 to 12 participants

 white board, dry erase markers, list of depression related jeopardy questions with answers

Educational game of jeopardy meant to teach mental illness patients about depression. Participants will learn about symptoms, medications, coping skills, causes, and types of depression.

1. Draw a Jeopardy layout on the whiteboard by writing the categories at the top of the board and the point amounts underneath of them. (Ed note: you can also create a Jeopardy board on a power point and use a projector or large screen TV)
2. Divide participants into teams depending on the total number in the group.
3. Instruct clients to choose a category and the number of points they want to go for.
4. Ask the team a question related to depression and tell them to work together to come up with an answer.
5. If the team is unable to answer the question correctly the next team can steal the question by answering it with the correct answer. This continues until all teams have had a chance to answer the question.
6. If there is a tie between two teams at the end of the game, provide a tie breaker question for both teams to answer.

For Examples of Questions Click HERE!

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