Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sock it to ME!

Population: Alzheimer's

Size of Group: Groups of 5

Equipment: old socks of different colors--the bigger the better. Inside each sock is hidden an item that participants will guess.

Objective: Each person gets a chance to guess what is in each sock.

Description: The game can be played in a variety of different ways. Socks can be open so participants can take items out after they guess -- or to control the guessing, each sock can be tied into a knot after inserting an item to be guessed.
Each person can be given a different sock/item to guess, then you mix them up and give each person a different sock/item to guess.
OR - you can give a sock to the first person and let them make a guess, pass it to the next person and let them make a guess. After the last person guesses, the facilitator/activity professional re-caps the all the guesses - then tells what is in the sock. Celebrate successes.
Items to be placed inside socks can include: wooden clothes pin, 2 crayons, comb, tennis ball, pacifier, small baby cup, plastic eye glasses, measuring spoon 1 T size, wooden cooking spoon, etc.
Remember - Have fun with some of the guesses.

More on Alzheimer Activities!

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